Min-maxing is a popular concept in video games where one would do everything to minimize a character’s weaknesses and do everything to maximize the character’s strength.
You may wonder what min-maxing may entail. To give you an example, a true min-maxer may spend hours and hours and hours (let’s say 50 hours) doing repetitive game task (let’s say killing a specific monster) over and over and over, in hopes of getting an item that can boost their character’s overall effectiveness by 0.2%.
Of course a lot of you may say that this is very inefficient and you may think that it’s a big waste of time. However, what I want to focus on today is the dedication and commitment that they put into excellence and achieving what they want.
The players are so determined to achieve their goal that they are willing to do whatever it takes to increase their chance of success.
Reflect back to our real life situations and people around us. How often do we let go of the tasks and opportunities that can give us an edge and higher chance of success in something that we claim to be important to us? How often do we choose to go in unprepared fully knowing that we could have done more?
If our goals are really as important as we claim them to be, shouldn’t we embrace more of the min-maxing mentality and do whatever it takes to give us the best chance of success?
This is so true! I’m min-maxing as we speak, as I write this waiting for my flight to my final destination in Maui. You’re a true gamer (of life) Sam!